Thursday, October 5, 2017

mother! Review

Um, What Did I Just Watch? Let me start off with this I recommend this movie to absolutely no one. This is a movie very few people will understand or enjoy. mother! is probably the weirdest movie I've ever seen in cinema. Darren Aronofsky (Noah) directs this movie perfectly and there's no denying this movie is beautiful to look at. However, he also wrote the script and that's where the issue lies with this movie. This movie does not have much of a story or if it does I completely missed it. This is a 2-hour Biblical metaphor with environmentalist messages thrown in as well. Also, this movie has one of the most messed up and insane third acts I've ever seen in cinematic history. It's been three days since I've seen this movie and I'm still trying to figure out some of the imagery in this movie. Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem are both fantastic in this movie. Lawrence especially carries a lot of this movie by herself. All the other performances are great as well with tons of actors I didn't know were in this movie. While I certainly didn't love mother! I love movies that are willing to be weird and take risks and this movie certainly delivered that. For that reason alone I'm glad this movie exists even though it's not a movie I can recommend to anyone.  


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