My Girl shocked me more than any movie I have seen in a long time. This movie
is about a country singer, who after being gone for a decade, returns home to
rekindle an old romance. I expected to absolutely hate this movie. To my total
shock, Forever My Girl is a well-acted cute romance story okay for all ages.
While this movie does have its sappy moments, especially toward the 3rd act, it
never hit Nicholas Spark’s territory. Relative newcomer Jessica Rothe is a
future star. She's wowed me in every movie she's been in and she's great here
as well. Alex Roe gives an okay performance in this movie, but is held up by
his fantastic chemistry with Jessica Rothe. However, the real star of this
movie is young Abby Fortson. She's adorable and hilarious and steals every single
scene she's in. As for flaws, the runtime is about 15 minutes too long and the
storyline does occasionally get too sappy in the 3rd act. Overall, Forever My
Girl was a sweet, innocent, romance movie that I shockingly enjoyed.
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