Brightburn was not without its moments but never came close to making full use of its premise. This movie is about a superpowered kid crashes on Earth but instead of saving it he has much more sinister intentions. Jackson A. Dunn gives a good performance. He can act creepy extremely well but really needed more development to fully care about him. Elizabeth Banks gives a great performance. She plays the conflicted nature of her character perfectly and you really feel for her. David Denman gives a fine performance but outside of one great scene is not given a ton to do. David Yarovesky did a good job directing. The actual scary scenes are well done but never quite as tension-filled as they should be. However, he should be commended for stretching his small budget as this is a beautiful looking movie. The script is a bit of a mixed bag. While I fully cared about Bank's character Dunn's journey is more rushed. This movie rushes too quickly to get to the violence but then goes long sequences with not much happening. The finale is more fun as it delivers the movie that people are expecting from this story. At 91 minutes the pacing is poor with many boring scenes. The movie starts well and ends extremely well but is sometimes downright boring in the second act. Also, note this is not a movie for the faint of heart. The violence here is extremely disturbing and bloody. Overall, Brightburn was an entertaining movie overall but wastes its awesome premise.
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