Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Favourite Review

The Favourite was an okay movie boosted by two great lead performances. This movie is about Queen Anne in 18th century England and her close friend Lady Sarah as they govern the country. When Abigail, a servant, begins to get too close to the Queen a rivalry between Sarah and Abigail begins. Rachel Weiz gives a fantastic performance. She switches between vulnerable and manipulative masterfully. Emma Stone gives an incredible performance. Her character is extremely layered and only becomes more interesting as the film progresses. Any scene where Weiz and Stone share the screen is among the film's best. Oliva Colman gives a good performance, but sometimes her acting was too over the top and it took me out of the movie. Nicholas Hoult gives a fine performance in a small supporting role. Yorgos Lanthimos did a great job directing. The film is gorgeous to look at and makes you feel like you are really in 18th century England. The script is good and at its best when the rivalry between our leads is the focus. There is also a healthy dose of dark offbeat humor that more often than not I found funny. At 119 minutes the pacing is sluggish. There are some parts that are paced well but plenty of scenes felt like they dragged on forever. Overall, The Favourite is a fine movie boosted by two great lead performances.

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