Friday, January 18, 2019

Replicas Review

Replicas has some cheesy acting and mediocre visuals, but is a fun throwback to early 2000s Sci-Fi. This movie is about a scientist who becomes obsessed with bringing his family back from the dead after a tragic incident strikes. Keanu Reeves gives a great, yet crazy performance. He comes across as an obsessed mad scientist, but it works well for the story. Alice Eve gives an okay performance, but some of her scenes come across unintentionally funny. Thomas Middleditch gives a good performance, but he is a bit too underused. John Ortiz is hilariously over the top and cheesy here and I still cannot decide if I like it or not. Jeffery Nachmanoff did a great job directing. The action sequences are all well shot and the movie just has a cool futuristic look to it. The script is fun with some good twists and we care about Reeves’ character. However, it is held back by some hilarious unintentional comedy, especially in the third act. The visual effects are a mixed bag. While the computer displays and technology are really cool, the robots that keep coming up through the movie look hilariously awful and would've looked bad even twenty years ago. At 107 minutes the pacing is good never slowing down too much, but allows there to be slow character moments as well. Overall, Replicas has plenty of flaws, but is still a lot of fun for genre fans and Keanu fans.

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