Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Dead Don't Die Review

The Dead Don't Die is a very funny offbeat movie but with a very niche audience. This movie is about a small country town that finds itself suddenly being overwhelmed with zombies. Bill Murray gives his best performance in years. His dry delivery makes every line he says laugh out loud hilarious. Adam Driver gives a fantastic performance. He has excellent comedic timing and the scenes he shares with Murray are easily the films best. Chloe Sevigny gives an okay performance. She does a fine job with the material but her character could become annoying. Tilda Swinton gives a good performance in a very weird supporting role. Tom Waits and Selena Gomez are a ton of fun in their supporting roles. There are plenty of short cameos from many other actors that are quite funny. Jim Jarmusch does a good job directing. The movie has a very normal look to it which just amplifies some of the crazy humor. The script is really good but not without its flaws. Any time the movie focuses on its main character its hilarious and the movie never goes too long without a laugh. However, there are side plots that end up being completely pointless and any attempt at political commentary kind of falls flat. At 104 minutes the pacing is deliberately slow and sometimes that works in the movie's favor and sometimes it does not. Overall, The Dead Don't Die was a very unique and fun comedy but will have a very specific audience.

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