Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Captive State Review

Captive State was a bad movie that was also a massive waste of potential. This movie is about the Earth that has been occupied by aliens for a decade as we follow different characters’ lives from all sides. Ashton Sanders gives a good performance. He does his best with what he's given and is enjoyable to watch. Johnathan Majors gives a great performance, but the movie never gives him enough time to really shine. John Goodman gives an okay performance but it seems like he is phoning it in. Vera Farmiga’s role is so small and pointless it is practically a cameo. Rupert Wyatt’s direction is all over the place. There are a couple of scenes that are genuinely tense and enjoyable, but they are few and far between. The script is bad overall despite a few clever moments. Characters randomly disappear for long periods of time without reason and most of the story reveals are either obvious or do not make sense. The visual effects range from fine to laughably bad. At 110 minutes the movie drags on and inexcusably dull for a movie with this premise. There were sequences I enjoyed but for the majority of this movie, I was just bored. Overall, Captive State was a huge miss despite it's few redeeming qualities.

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